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EKONO's Energy Monitoring and Management System

The key elements of EKONO's EMM system are: 1) energy supply and consumption efficiency calculations, 2) steam and heat balances, 3) reporting of the energy supply efficiencies and energy consumption data and 4) calculation and export of real time energy variables to the mills data system. The user of EMM can select the start and end time and the reports that he/she would like to see. Standard reports are pre-defined, but custom reports can be created depending on the mills needs.

1.  Fuel Supply and Steam Generation

Pulp and paper industry is one of the leading industries in the use of biofuels. Because of the energy intensity of the process, fossil fuels are still needed as a supplemental fuel. The majority of the fuel is used to generate steam, but some processes use direct fuel, such as the lime kiln and paper coating.

2.  Steam and Heat Supply - Steam and Heat Balances

Steam and heat supply, distribution and consumption relies on the mill instrumentation and mill wide data gathering system. Both mass and energy balances are calculated for boilers, steam turbines and process consumers, see example EMM-1.

3.  Power Supply, Consumption, and Sales

Pulp mills, especially bleached kraft pulp mills, can become self sufficient for power. The EMM calculates and reports power supply efficiencies, power consumption, and sales. Green Power based on biofuels is calculated and reported as well as the power supply efficiencies. A sample report for power house management is presented in EMM-2.

4.  Process Energy Consumption

Based on the calculated steam and heat balances and the production during the desired reporting period, specific steam and heat consumption data are calculated and reported. An example of the heat demand of an evaporation plant is included in EMM-3.

5.  CO2 report

CO2 emissions from stationary firing can be reported based on specific reporting requirements for the individual country/state/province. Cogeneration credit is also calculated as required by authorities. A sample CO2 report is given in EMM-4.

6.  Real Time Variables

In addition to the off-line reporting system, the EMM calculates various real time variables that can be stored in the mill wide data gathering system. Such variables can include boiler efficiencies, turbine efficiencies or other variables calculated from measured data. Examples of real time variables are given in EMM-5 - EMM-9.

EMM-5: CO2 emission from stationary firing

EMM-6: Share of green power of total in house power generation

EMM-7: Recovery boiler efficiency

EMM-8: Power boiler efficiency

EMM-9: Back pressure power yield


For information please contact us at:

PO Box 2005 * Bellevue, WA 98009
Telephone: (425) 455-5969 * Telefax: (425) 455-3091
E-mail: ekono@ekono.com